Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Dusty Springfield and Dorothy Squires two tough gay icons.

Dusty was without doubt one of the finest voices to come from the uk? both women  Dot too were quite something without question, both had an emotional painful delivery of a song.

Dorothy quite a different person a very sucessful singer with Billy reid, the voice and composer, yet again a tough women powerful and stubborn like Dusty, if something was wrong nither would be affraid to say both had huge Gay followings for various reasons, sometimes Dusty thought she was a female drag queen on various occasions. 

Dot looked like a drag queen for years and we loved her for it, her life was off the scale, raunchy, difficult, and roller coaster in every sence of the world.

Left Dot Squires and Right Dusty. Dorothy was famous in the 40's, 50's,& 60's and Dusty 60's, till the 90's.

Dorothy through her divorce with Roger Moore became a gay icon for a different reason, we like tragic people, because in some ways they represent a part of us. Both artists had big orchestras, lovely clothes Duggie Darnell designed for both ladies.

Both had DS as their intials too the only song I can find that both ladies sang was; Who Can I Turn To (When nobody Needs Me) both versions are on youtube, very differnt styles but heart Wrenching performances A cushion of sound via orchestrations was a trade mark of Dusty and Dot. Take a listen and see what I mean.

Johnny Pearson, Ivor Raymonde and Michael Legrand were among Dustys orchestration, Dot had Nicky Welsh a very essentic man but a first class arranger, he got something extra out of Dorothy that no one could get.

I believe both ladies were Bipolar with many ups and downs, insecure, stubborn, tempremental and difficult but most great people are.

Dot joked with Dusty who would reach heaven first? with the intials DS. Both ladies had drink and drugs issues, it never got the best of Dot, but Dusty had afew fallow years in the 70's, but bounced back with The Pet Shop Boys, many older people were over the moon as she was an icon to them.

Purple hearts were Dots answer to problems or low mood, till someones dog eat them and she was asked to leave living with friends they were not impressed. Dot admired Dusty and her choice of songs.

Dusty did not do well in the US, sadly never reaching her potential.

Some fans of Dot were also fans of Dusty and visa versa, perhaps a connection through life and showbiz. If I had to choose a Dusty track Going Back would be the one, with Dot it has to be Till.

Both, dusty aged 59, who died in 1999. and Dot aged 83, who died  in 1998, both from cancer A couple of ladies that lite the world up Dusty Irish, Dot Welsh. Both stars suffered from undiagnosed Bipolar disorder....

Chris Rogers 2022.

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