A good question indeed personally I believe you should, A taste of their own medicine can work wonders. If your prepared to intimidate and be nasty then return the favour to them.
A friend did this last week my god did it shut the bully up? I also think a bit of cruelty is well sent to make people aware of trying to destroy people. It's pay back time folks!
Don't bother with the legal route to expensive and mostly a waste of time. If you over step the mark you can be prosecuted but hey why would you not want to be? All publicity is good publicity even bad publicity.
Tell the truth and shame the devils is my motto. The bully would not dare you? expose them? I love a good public slanging match without a bottle of wine... See how they run......
I have my own axe to grind and look forward to it they have much more to loose than me. hit it where it hurts. Plus when they least expect it....
Good luck!
Chris Rogers
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